2024-2025 School Year
Course: Writing/Literacy Lab, Grade 9
Purpose: To provide students with academic support that will improve their reading and writing skills in English. This is a full year, 1/2-credit course that meets every other day.
Meeting Times: Periods 4 and 8
Google Classroom Links:
Period 4, Day 1 https://classroom.google.com/c/Njg1MTQ1ODMwMTg3?cjc=o7gtmti
Period 4, Day 2 https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA3MjU3MDA5NzE4?cjc=fss7xsb
Period 8, Day 1 https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA3MjU3NTE1NTc0?cjc=bvdcjj2
Period 8, Day 2 https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA3MjU3NTY4Nzg2?cjc=y23xnnu
Location: Room 232
My email: jfernandez1@peekskillschools.org