- Peekskill High School
- Welcome
WELCOME to Ms. Sabatini's Class Page
Email: Rsabatini@peekskillschools.org
Welcome! On this site you can find my class periods, google classroom codes, classroom expectations, reminders, and homework. I hope you find this page to be an invaluable resource to keep you up to date on what is happening in our classroom and on the court. Thank you for visiting our class page!
A little bit about me:
I am teaching Skills 10, Skills 11, Global I, Global II, U.S. History, Economics, and Participation in Government this year. I am also coaching J.V. Volleyball, am the advisor for the Class of 204 and helping students at Elton Brand Academy. My goal is to create a school environment that makes learning fun.
If you need extra help you can find me in room 200. I am also available until 3:00pm and often times later.
Google Classroom Log-In (All homework & major classwork assignments are located on this page)
Period 1 Skills: 5iigtrv
Period 2 Skills: modbuo4
Period 3 Economics: ljvudrh
Period 3 Participation in Government: f4wnh7t
Period 4 Global I: ifobcz2
Period 7 Global II: iot5lsr
Period 8 US History: pqzwqs5
Class of 2024: swtwtwl
Volleyball JV: eoderym
This is how your grades will be determined in Global Studies. This is a uniform practice for all Social Studies Classes.
Assessments: 35%
Points, Classwork, & Homework: 65%
Infinite Campus (checking your student's grades):
Log onto https://www.infinitecampus.com/
On infinite campus you can look at your student's grades, attendance, and behavior.
Social Studies Department Homework Policy
Homework helps students by complementing and reinforcing classroom learning, fostering good lifelong learning and study habits, and providing an opportunity for all students to be responsible for their own learning. Regular homework contributes to the development of sound study habits and self-responsibility in children. It is a valuable means of fostering understanding and it serves as a communication link between school and home that shows parents what children are learning. Homework will be given on Monday and is due on Thursday each week. Late homework will have a deduction.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me via Email, phone to the school, or by note.
(914) 737-0201 ext. 3694