

    Welcome to Mr. Larsen's teacher page!


    Mr. Larsen is the Choral Director of Peekskill High School and teaches the following classes:

    String Orchestra: a music ensemble comprised of violins, violas, cellos, and basses that has students from 9th to 12th grade. If you are interested in joining, please see or contact Mr. Larsen for more details. Most students are ones that have learned to play their respective instruments for many years, but we are open to taking new students as well! Google Classroom code is yj2muvf

    Concert Choir: a large chorus ensemble that accepts 9th - 12th graders. Anyone interested in joining the chorus program can be in this ensemble to grow as a musician. Google Classroom code is 3b3shlg

    City Singers: a small vocal jazz ensemble of 10th - 12th graders. Students must have enrolled in Concert Chorus and have a recommendation from Mr. Larsen to join this ensemble. The City Singers perform year-round at various venues and competitions. Google Classroom code is h6qitzu

    Introduction to Guitar: a class that offers students the chance to learn, study, and read music by performing on the guitar. Students learn various styles of playing and are introduced to different genres of music through this class. Google Classroom code is yxqqykg

    All students in each class are required to perform at the high school Winter and Spring Concerts.


    Choir and orchestra students also attend weekly or bi-weekly music lessons as a part of their class curriculum. Here is the lesson schedule for this month: 


    For more information about the courses, here are the syllabus files that students receive at the beginning of the year: February Lessons

    Orchestra Syllabus

    Guitar Syllabus

    City Singers Syllabus

    Concert Choir Syllabus 

    To contact Mr. Larsen, you can email him at klarsen@peekskillschools.org or call the high school and dial extension 3239