Welcome to English Language Arts
Bridget Connor
bconnor@peekskillschools.org (preferred method of contact)
Please refer to my Google Classroom pages for important, up to date information!
2021-2022 Schedule:
Period 2: Study Hall
Period 3: English 12 Media Literacy - Room 224 / Google Classroom Code - wofqe6x
Period 4: English 12 WCC Step Up - Room 224 / Google Classroom Code - o6335bv
Period 6: English 12 Media Literacy - Room 224 / Google Classroom Code - iu6qlt2
Period 7: English 12 Media Literacy - Room 224 / Google Classroom Code - a4aeysa
Period 8: English 12 Media Literacy - Room 224 / Google Classroom Code - f7lvbfv
“Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.