

    Hi.  My name is Mr. Malcolm and I teach social studies at Peekskill High School.  I have been a teacher at Peekskill High School since 1997.  I am also a graduate of Peekskill High School (Class of 1985).


    Peekskill High School Overarching Goal:

    To increase the overall Peekskill High School graduation rate to 88% and improve students’ performance on the New York State Regents Exams by 5%.


    Teacher's Schedule:


    Period 1: Participation in Government

    Period 5: Participation in Government

    Period 7: Participation in Government


    Mr. Malcolm's classes are on Google Classroom.


    Google Classroom link:



    Google Classroom Code for Participation in Government Period 1:  zvx6pxi

    Google Classroom Code for Participation in Government Period 5:  eydrl7n

    Google Classroom Code for Participation in Government Period 7:  dsxnxu3


    Mr. Malcolm's email:  tmalcolm@peekskillschools.org

    Mr. Malcolm's Phone Number:  914-737-0201 (Extension 3737)



    1. We will be prepared for class (bring daily: pen/pencil, computer, homework assignments).
    2. We will be on time (be in your seat and ready to work when the late bell rings).
    3. We will participate in class on a daily basis and we will be respectful to our fellow students.
    4. We will keep food out of the classroom and cell phones powered off and out of sight.
    5. See your teacher if you need extra help or if you need to make up an assignment.



    All grades are posted on Infinite Campus.  It is recommended for you to have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account, in order to monitor your son/daughter's progress.


    Social Studies Department: Course Grading Practices:


    COURSE       ASSESSMENT                        CLASSWORK                 HOMEWORK

                 (exams, quizzes, projects)

    Part. in Gov't         50%                                      35%                                15%          

    Social Studies Department Homework Policy Rationale: 

    Homework helps students by complementing and reinforcing classroom learning, fostering good lifelong learning and study habits, and providing an opportunity for students to be responsible for their own learning. Regular homework contributes to the development of sound study habits and self-responsibility in children. It is a valuable means of fostering understanding and it serves as a communication link between school and home that shows parents what children are learning.