• Welcome to Mr. Tamborski's Teacher Page
    Period 2 (Room 116) - Living Environment (Section 91) - Lab Day 1
    Period 3 (Room 116) - LAB period
    Period 4 (Room 116) - Living Environment (Section 92) - Lab Day 2
    Period 7 (Room 116) - Living Environment (Section 93) - Lab Day 2
    Pewiod 8 (Room 116) - LAB period
    Period 9 (Room 116) - Nutrition (Day 1)
    E-mail:          jtamborski@peekskillschools.org
    Please note that all class assignments, announcements and upcoming items are regularly updated in Google Classroom.
    Google Glassroom class codes for students are as follows...
    • Period 2 Living Environment - k5ocu6y
    • LAB Day 1, period 3 
    • Period 4 Living Environment - kwxqbma 
    • LAB Day 2, period 3


    • Period 7 Living Environment  - pkjunf2
    • LAB Day 2, period 8 
    • Period 9 Nutrition -  g7ms45b


    Science Department Grading Practices

    Living Environment:


    Grading Category


    Assessments & Projects












    Grading Category


    Assessments & Projects








    Expectations for Students and Parents:

    Student Expectations

    • Students will ask for office hours and follow up with teacher when they have questions
    • Students will complete all assignments and submit them in a timely manner

    Parents should play an active role in the monitoring of their child’s progress by:

    • Checking their posted grades in Infinite Campus weekly
    • Checking their attendance
    • Checking their classwork and homework regularly
    • Emailing their child’s teacher, school counselor or administration for their child’s progress
    • Setting high expectations for their child’s progress
    • Asking your child what they learned in class 

    Dear Parents/Guardians:

    I look forward to working with you and your children during this new school year! We are facing this "new normal" together and will navigate whatever obstacles come our way as a team. My goal is to educate all students and make sure that this new year of learning is as stress-free as possible. Let's make this year a positive and memorable one for our students!
    Please e-mail me at the above address to request being added to Google classroom.  This will allow you to see weekly assignments and monitor your child's progress.  However, please note that all grades are posted in Infinite Campus and are updated regularly. It is highly recommended that both students and parents are familiar with the portals available in Infinite Campus in order to see the most accurate and up to date information pertaining to grades.     
    Please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail or by calling the school at 914-737-0201. I cannot wait to work with you all!
    Thank you,
    Mr. Tamborski