Peekskill PTO (K-12)
The Peekskill Parent-Teacher Organization operates as a district-wide body, serving ?every school in Peekskill, from Pre-K through high school. The PTO is an important part of school life, coordinating class parents, organizing enrichment programs, volunteering in our schools, hosting special events, raising money to support the school district, and advocating for a quality education for every child. Please visit our website for detailed information about meetings, events, fundraisers, and volunteer opportunities. We encourage all parents and staff to attend our monthly meetings and to take an active role in our school community!
Peekskill Special Education PTO (SEPTO)
The Peekskill Special Education PTO (S.E.P.T.O.) was formed in 2005 as a collaborative effort between parents and the Special Education Department to improve and enhance support for children with special needs in the Peekskill City School District. When the individual school PTOs merged into a single K-12 PTO in 2015-2016, SEPTO decided to remain a separate entity. Although SEPTO will remain a separate organization, we will be working side by side with the newly centralized PTO Council. We have chosen to remain a separate organization because we believe SEPTO can better achieve its goals and meet the needs of our special needs students and their families in this fashion. SEPTO will continue to help special needs students and their families, and the professionals who service them, just as they have been doing since the organization was formed several years ago.