The Board of Education recognizes that to govern effectively, it must clearly define why the district exists and what it aspires to be. The Board therefore adopted the following mission statement on February 6, 2018 to convey the district's purpose and vision to set forth what the district should strive to become in the future.
OUR MISSION:...is to educate and empower all students to strive for excellence as life-long learners who embrace diversity and are contributing members of a global society.
- all people can learn, contribute and have value
- embracing and understanding cultural diversity is imperative to strengthening and enriching a school community
- when a school community provides a respectful, safe, supportive, resource-rich environment, people thrive and meet their goals
- a school district excels when strong partnerships exist among families, schools and community
- educating the whole child will develop life-long learners who are compassionate, confident, critical thinkers
- a school district is responsible for aligning and carrying out the conditions for learning, leadership and commitment