• Welcome to the Office of Administrative Services/Human Resources

    1031 Elm Street
    Peekskill, NY  10566
    Phone: (914) 737-3300 ext. 1550/1551 ~ Fax: (914) 788-7580

    The Office of Administrative Services (HR) is responsible for a comprehensive human resource program, including the recruitment of qualified applicants into a diverse workforce and committed to providing high-quality service to all prospective, current and past employees and to treating such individuals with respect, excellent care and individual attention from their first inquiries about position vacancies, services, and programs through retirement.  

    In addition to accessing resources and information using the menu links, employees are encouraged to contact members of the Administrative Services (HR) with any questions. 

    Jamal Lewis
    Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services
    (914) 737-3300

    Priscilla Krawcyk
    Personnel Assistant (Classified Staff)
    (914) 737-3300 ext. 1551
    Mahogany Smith
    Personnel Assistant (Certified Staff) 
    (914) 737-3300 ext.1550