• Peekskill City School District
    Proposed Belief and Core Value Statements


    ...is to educate and empower all students to strive for excellence as life-long learners who embrace diversity and are contributing members of a global society. 


    • all people can learn, contribute and have value
    • embracing and understanding cultural diversity is imperative to strengthening and enriching a school community
    • when a school community provides a respectful, safe, supportive, resource-rich environment, people thrive and meet their goals
    • a school district excels when strong partnerships exist among families, schools and community
    • educating the whole child will develop life-long learners who are compassionate, confident, critical thinkers
    • a school district is responsible for aligning and carrying out the conditions for learning, leadership and commitment

    The above was submitted by the Core Planning Team with 100% consensus as per the protocol.

    Core Planning Team Members:

    Lisa Aspinall-Kellawon
    Branwen MacDonald
    Mary K. Foster
    Margie Daniels
    Jamal Lewis
    Staci Woodley
    Carmen Vargas 
    Tim Khuns
    Jessica Newby
    Bell Ritter
    Michele Wiggs
    Marisa Anzovino   
    Chris Malanson      
    Patricia Riley
    Zorielle Rodriguez-Alcazar
    London Claxton
    Robert Young
    Tracy Overby
    Sincere Golden
    Margery Rossi
    Martin McDonald
    Denise Lopez
    Ann Narcissi