
  • Class Expectations

    • Respect classmates, teachers, and the community. Show your respect by following directions, speaking when asked, doing your best work, supporting each other, keeping your hands to yourself.
    • Arrive on time prepared to work. This means you are in your seat on time, you have the necessary materials and previous nights homework, getting straight to work. This also includes getting on the Google Meets before the time to begin. 
    • Participate in the classroom community. Listen to others speak, participate in discussions, use a growth mindset in all endeavours. Mistakes are encouraged, as they are moments of learning in action. 
    • Create a safe space. Be kind, keep hands and feet to yourself, respect physical and personal boundaries set by classmates.

Welcome to English 10

  • Google Classroom Code: ta7hvdr


    English 10 is a course designed to continue to develop students’ skills as readers and writers.  We will collaborate to help prepare students for the future.  In tenth grade, it is essential to begin thinking about YOU.  What do YOU want to do?  How do YOU want to act?  Over the course of the year, we will read multiple novels in class.  We will also read and analyze various poems, myths, short stories, and works of nonfiction.  Students will respond to literature through writing projects, conversations, oral presentations, quizzes, and exams.  Students will also be expected to read independently and complete the required responses.  Students will maintain a portfolio showcasing your best writing pieces and growth as a tenth-grade student. All students will become better readers and writers after completing the class if you put maximum effort into all you do.  It will prepare students for life after Peekskill High School.  As long as you come to class with an open mind the material will be interesting and engaging. You should be proud of every assignment you turn in and it should be representative of your best work.  Focus on getting 1% better every day.

Grading Categories