• Google Classroom Codes:

    AP Computer Science A P1: aobhvu3 

    Intro to Programming P2: rgjcwb3 

    Intro to Programming P6: 2ltlzjb 

    Algebra 1 ENL P8-9: ovibb5b 


    Classes Schedule:

    AP Computer Science A: Period 1

    Intro to Programming : Period 2 & 6

    Algebra 1 : Period 8 & 9


    Bell Schedule:

    Homeroom - 8:15-8:20

    Period 1 - 8:20 - 9:00 (AP CSA)

    Period 2 - 9:03 - 9:43 (Intro to Programming)  

    Period 3 - 9:46 - 10:26 

    Period 4 - 10:29 - 11:09

    Period 5 - 11:12 - 11:52

    Period 6 - 11:55 - 12:35 (Intro to Programming)  

    Period 7 - 12:38 - 1:18

    Period 8 - 1:21 - 2:01 (Algebra 1)

    Period 9 - 2:04 - 2:44 (Algebra 1)


    Available to meet:

    2:44PM - a reasonable hour most evenings room 229 or 107


    Grading Policy

    Algebra 1:

    Assessments (tests, quizzes, projects): 45%

    Classwork (in class activities, participation, etc...) : 35%

    Homework (weekly aleks & occasional sheet or activity): 20%


    Introduction to Programming & AP CSA:

    Assessments (tests, quizzes, projects): 45%

    Classwork (practice quizzes, coding practice, participation): 45%

    Homework: 10%


    Math Department Homework Policy Rationale:

    The Mathematics Department values homework because we believe students need to practice and need exposure to fluency with new concepts. Homework challenges students to self-evaluate their current understanding of the material. We believe independent assignments permit students to take ownership of their education. It forces them to be aware of their ease and struggles with the material and become advocates for themselves. Homework is also an excellent source of data collection. Homework is assigned weekly. Homework support exists daily through Call-Back and Elton Brand Academy.