• Important Information for the Class of 2017

    Senior Pictures                            Prices vary

    Pictures are usually taken during the month of September- check your mail or the PHS website for more information over the summer


    Senior Sweatshirts                     $50 (add your name for $5)

    Orders will be taken in the month of September


    Cap and Gown                             $40-$60

    Orders can be made at the school with company representatives or online- additional information will follow from the school

    (Please note-prices go up after February)


    Senior Prom-6/1/17                  $120-$140

    Anthony’s Pier 9- New Windsor, NY

    Prom tickets include: admission, dinner and transportation to

    and from the Prom Venue

    (All students must utilize the schools transportation, as per district policy)


    Payment Information/Ticket Cost:

    Tickets purchased prior to January 31, 2017 - $120

    Tickets purchased prior to April 28, 2017- $130

    Tickets purchased prior to May 23, 2017- $140

    Deposits in the amount of $50 or more will be accepted to guarantee your ticket/price

    All Payments must be made in full by May 23, 2017 – NO REFUNDS

    ** Please note:  This is a general guideline of events/prices so that you can plan accordingly for your senior year- prices/dates are subject to change **