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    Sr. Haughton Brown

    Español I (G.6) & Español I (G.7)

    Please note that class assignments and announcements are regularly updated in Google Classroom. Google Classroom Codes are: 

    Español I (G.6), Period 2 - grhuzvz

    Español I (G.7), Period 3 - pm7t3kg


    Grading Policy: All assignments will be graded according to the following 4 components. 

    a. Reading (Lectura) = 25%

    b. Writing (Escritura) = 25%

    c. Listening (Auditivo) = 25%

    d. Speaking (Verbal) = 25%


    Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students: 

    I look forward to work with you and your son/daughter during this academic year. All grades are posted on Infinite Campus. It is recommended for you to have a Parent Portal Infinite Campus account in order to monitor your child's progress. 

    I am available for extra help during 'Office Hours' on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. 

    If you need to contact me, please do not hesitate to email me at hbrown1@peekskillschools.org


    Please watch this live welcome video to our Spanish class: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BPJaCT7twXUIbO5MIHdUQAhgXTJzbdEo/view


    "La educación abre las puertas."

    'La educación abre las puertas'