- Peekskill Middle School
- Welcome
Salvatore, Pasquale
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Welcome to 8th Grade Social Studies- Mr. Salvatore Team8 North
Please Note: ALL students should register in Google classroom according to their specific class periods ASAP.
*All announcements, assignments, content & assessments will use this platform.
Contact email: psalvatore@peekskillschools.org
2023-24 Class registration codes for Google Classroom are as follows:
Period 2: d6zcld2
Period 4: tj7c65e
Period 5: g52bnf6
Period 8: ritvf4q
Period 9: m64b53n
Welcome to 8th grade Social Studies! I am very excited to continue your journey of learning together. I look forward to picking up where you left off last year. This year is very important. You will be taking the PKMS 8th grade Social Studies Assessment that will evaluate what you have learned throughout the year and prepare you for the future! As partners, we can ensure you will be successful and perform at your highest level.
Classroom procedures: Expectations for our class
- I expect you to be in class ON TIME.
- When you enter the room, check for a handout and/or directions, be seated quietly, take out your chromebook, Homework will be posted in our google classroom as well as on the board.
- Respect deadlines/due dates for assignments!
- Seating arrangements and groupings change with units and activities.
- You must carry a hall pass when using the restroom. Only one student may be out at a time. I expect you to use common sense and respect in choosing a time to go (e.g. don’t go in the middle of important directions or when a student is presenting his/her work)! If this privilege is abused, a more restrictive policy will be put in place. *
- No bathroom passes are issued the first or last 10 minutes of each class period.
- I expect the room to be left clean and tidy for the next group of students coming in. Please do not leave any trash on the floor or on the desks, or write in any textbooks.
- Cell Phones, Electronics etc… are to be put away. Store them in your locker. Failure to follow policy will result in administrative consequences.
- You will have at-home assignments several days a week. (approximately 12-15 HW assignments per quarter)
- Your assignments need to be neatly hand-written or typed or completed and submitted via google classroom.
- Please use the proper heading on ALL written assignments.
- Your assignments must be completed on time
- You may not have homework on weekends- as long as we complete the work for the week by Friday!
- Each quarter, your average will be determined by your performance on several types of assignments: class work/homework, longer written assignments (DBQ’s), quizzes, tests, and projects.
- We will provide rubrics for major assignments, such as projects and longer written pieces. We will go over these rubrics in class.
- If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up the missed work.
- If you are absent for more than 2 days, please have a parent/guardian call Guidance for a homework request.
- You will benefit from a designated workspace to complete assignments.
- You should expect to spend approximately 20-30 minutes each night on homework.
This year we will continue our study of American History. Our course of study is divided into smaller blocks or units. We will begin with a review and continue looking at the many changes our nation has gone through as well as current events.
Test, Quizzes, Projects (Summative)
Classwork, Group work, Labs
CONTACT: Psalvatore@peekskillschools.org
Office Hours available by appointment