• Mrs. DiCuio's Class Codes 





    Welcome to Mrs. DiCuio's Class and 7th grade Social Studies!

    Please contact me regarding any questions, comments or concerns at edicuio@peekskillschools.org
    All assignments are posted in Google Classroom (not here)
    Below is a course outline including expectations and the way that the classroom is typically run. This year things will be different and we will adjust as needed. Please communicate any needs/ideas/suggestions with me so that I can best reach all of our learners in the most effective way. 
     School is our job as 7th graders, so we need to be sure that we show up on time, ready to explore and prepared to learn.  The paycheck is your report card & the valuable knowledge that will be yours forever, helping connect you to your past and present.  Please join me in our Google Classroom for updates, info and assignments. I look forward to a positive, productive year. 
    Class Outline and Expectations
    Open notebook quizzes:
    • These quizzes are unannounced and cannot be retaken.
    • Students need to come to class prepared with their social studies composition notebook.  They cannot go to their lockers to get the book once class has begun. (This is in an effort to enforce preparedness and responsibility)
    • They will have to write the Objective, Do Now question and answer, and the date for randomly selected class days.

    Social Studies Department Grading Policy: HW=10%, Citizenship (participation, punctuality, effort)=5%, Tests=50%, Classwork & Projects=35%


    Welcome Letter: 

    Welcome to seventh grade Social Studies! I hope that you have all had some to time unwind and relax this summer. Our journey together will further your knowledge of America, both past and present beginning where you left off last year. It is our mission to not only gain knowledge of past events, but to become informed citizens who can contribute to our society in a positive manner.  It is imperative that we stay on task and work cooperatively so that we can truly make the most of our time together. Our goal is to be successful on assignments, assessments and to truly gain a better understanding of our nations’ history. Together, both at school and at home, we can help our students experience the success that they are capable of. Below is a description of daily routines, materials needed, and expectations for social studies.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to a successful school year and partnership with both parents and students.

    **Writing utensils (pen, pencils, highlighters)          **Team binder with section specifically for social studies
    **Composition notebook for SS                             **A folder

    In Class:

    ü  Be on time and take assigned seat. Consistent lateness will result in detention either after school or during lunch.

    ü  Immediately begin to copy the Objective and the Do Now which are on the board daily. This consists of a targeted goal for the day and question, quote, or review problem that students must copy down and then respond to. After everyone has completed writing and answering the Do Now, we will go over the correct answer. Each student is responsible for recording the correct answer in their notebook.

    ü  Periodically, and sometimes without advanced notice, we will have open notebook quizzes. These are used as a way to review material and reward students for following the daily procedures. Notebooks should be brought to class each day, as students will not be permitted to return to their lockers.

    At Home:

    ü  Check the composition book at least twice a week to be sure that your child is on task and taking the required notes.

    ü  If there are missing aim numbers or notes, that is a sign that the student was absent, late, or simply did not record the information. I am available after school for students to write down any information that they may have missed.

    ü  Responsibility and accountability in the classroom and the hallways is expected.

    ü  Disrespect of peers and/or adults is unacceptable and will be addressed with the student. Parents will be notified of this type of behavior as well. Similarly, I enjoy communicating by email and phone to discuss positive behavior and academic improvements.

    ü  I encourage parents and guardians to contact me with any questions or notifications of changes happening at home. Our partnership is paramount.


    ü  Written homework is given approximately two times per week and should be written in the planner at the start of class. If there is no specific assignment for the day, the student will write “none” in the box. A blank planner suggests that the student did not write the assignment.

    ü  Checking the planner each night is suggested as a way to monitor your child’s progress and keep him or her on track. The planner should not have blank spaces. Classwork is often finished for homework. Students are encouraged to type assignments, unless specifically asked to write information by hand.

    ü  Assignments are expected to be handed in on time. I am available to help with assignments, as long as the students see me before the due date. If a student is absent, he is responsible to make up the work in a timely manner.


    ü  Tests will be able to be retaken after school within one week from the date that the assignment was handed back. Coming after school or during lunch for additional help or to retake an exam shows effort, which is an essential element for success. I am ALWAYS available for extra help.

    ü  Open notebook quizzes cannot be retaken.

     Communication is paramount for teachers, parents, and students. I look forward to being proactive and working together to ensure not only passing grades, but a true understanding of content, organization and responsibility for our youngsters.



    Ms. Emily DiCuio
    Peekskill Middle School Teacher
    Social Studies 7~~Room 228