    Ms. Esposito 2023-2024
    7 South Room 2

    Welcome to 7th Grade Physical Science! 

    Parents/Guardians: Please sign up for the PARENT PORTAL so that you can keep abreast of your child's work and grades.


     7th Grade topics:

    1. Thinking Like a Scientist - Experiments in Science 
    2. Matter and Chemical Interactions
    3. Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions
    4. Energy
    5. Waves and their Applications in Technologies
    6. Honors - Quarter 4: ESRT Introduction


    Grading Policy:

    Tests, Quizzes, Projects................45%
    Labs, Classwork, Group Work........35%
    Citizenship & Participation.............10%

    Google Classroom: Please join using Your class period CODE

    Period 1…..  a6cf4hb

    Period 3…..   qgvedz7

    Period 4.....   o4guarh

    Period 7..….  uvaisu3

    Period 8.....   fy3tbbv


    Office Hours:

    By appointment/request....Period 5 during supervisory. 


    Contact Information:                                          


    914-737-4542 ext. 2631 (voice mail)


