• Welcome to Mr. Di's

    6th Grade Math Class

    Room 116 




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    Google Classroom Codes:

       Period 1:  p4nprcu

     Period 3: y5k7imf

       Period 6: bkl3x2d

     Period 7: 7o55qqn

    Period 8: w6aenl2






    6th NorthTeam


    Welcome to Peekskill Middle School and 6th Grade Math! My name is Mr. Di and its an honor and a privilege to be able to have you in my class. This is my 8th year teaching and my 7th year teaching math! What I love most about this subject is how universal it is in every country around the world. It is a language everyone is able to speak in! My greatest moments are when students grasp a concept that they have struggled with with the "Oh I get it now!" I look forward to being a part of your middle school journey and I'm excited for the amazing year we are going to have together!

     In sixth grade mathematics you will (1) use concepts of ratio and rate to solve real-world problems; (2) understand division of fractions and extend your knowledge of rational numbers (including negative numbers); (3) write, interpret, and use expressions and equations; analyze and develop formulas for area, volume, & surface area; & (5) develop an understanding of statistical thinking. The best part of 6th grade math, is that everything you learn this year directly connects to what you will learn in 7th and 8th grade math!


    If you need to contact me, please email me at ddi@peekskillschools.org



    Grading Policy

    Exams: 45%

    Classwork: 35%

    Homework: 10%

    Citizenship/Participation 10%


     Mathematics gives us hope that every problem has a solution: Graph Paper  Math Mathematician Notebook | Workbook for College, Middle and High School  | 120 pages, 6x9 inch, Soft cover with matte: