• Welcome to Physical Therapy! My name is Elizabeth (Liz ) Barbaretti, and I am one of the physical therapists in the Peekskill City School District!  During the 2022-23 school year, I can be found at Woodside Elementary School, Oakside Elementary School, Peekskill Middle School and Peekskill High School. I will be at Woodside Elementary School on Mondays, Tuesdays,  Wednesday mornings and Thursdays. If you have any questions, I can be reached by calling the main office or you can send an email to  lbarbaretti@peekskillschools.org.  Please allow me 48 hours to respond to any questions or concerns.  


    • Social Emotional Learning: 



    • Family Health & Wellness: 

    Please review this section as it includes grab and go meal schedule,  yoga videos, how to talk to your child about COVID 19, etc. 

    Family Health and Wellness District Page

    Zones of Regulation