• The Parent Portal provides parents/guardians the ability to view their children’s attendance, report card, progress report and grades. It is very easy to use, secure and confidential. The Parent Portal helps students succeed. To get started, parents need to create an account with the District. Complete the Parent Portal Request Form (link below) to have an account created. You can get a paper copy of the Parent Portal Request Form from you child's school.
    Once you have completed the online form, please provide a a copy of an official photo ID to the school. (We need this to protect your child’s confidentiality.) 
    If you complete a paper copy of the form, return the signed forms with a copy of an official photo ID to the school.
    The District Technology Office will email you an access code and instructions to log on to the Parent Portal. That’s it!
    For questions, email parentportal@peekskillcsd.org 
    Click below to log into the Portal
    Portal Login