- Woodside Elementary School
- Welcome
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Hello friends!
My name is Sra. Orejuela, and I am so excited to be your child's first grade teacher this year!
This is my 4th year in the Dual Language Program. As part of the First Grade Dual Language program, I work collaboratively with Ms. Guzman.
I look forward to a year of learning, growth and fun in First grade.
Together, we will share this experience as First Graders!
Our first day of school is on Wednesday, September 1, 2020. I can't wait to meet you!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns:Mrs. Orejuela's Email: korejuela@peekskillschools.org
School Phone: (914) 739-0093
Class Dojo: https://www.classdojo.com/invite/?c=CV8A65P
Degrees and Certifications:
Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 2)
Childhood Education (Grades 1-6)
Students with Disabilities (Grades 1-6)
Bilingual Extension (Grades 1-12)