

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Oteiza

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What is Podcast? A podcast is an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device in order to listen. Some Podcast  have commercials. You can fast forward to the stories.


Circle Round” — Folk tales from around the world, told with the help of celebrity readers. (24 min)

Stories Podcast” — A combination of classic children’s stories and original tales.

Molly of Denali — An eight-episode serialized narrative, based on the PBS Kids series.

Story Pirates” — Stories written by kids are woven into a narrative about a musical-theater company’s magical misadventures.


But Why?” — The public radio host Jane Lindholm helps answer kids’ most burning questions.

 “Earth Rangers” — A sound-rich dive into nature and animal science, guided by Ranger Emma.

 "Wow in the World" — Guy Raz and Mindy Thomas, radio and podcast stars, serve up science news with a heavy dose of silliness.

 "Animal Sound Safari"— This Australian podcast travels in a Magic School Bus-style “safari mobile” to discover animals around the world.


"Summer Camping on Kangaroo Island South Australia"— Each short episode is a guided meditation through beautiful soundscapes.

Summer Cradle Mountain Tasmania- Each short episode is a guided meditation through beautiful soundscapes.

Bedtime Explorers” — Settle down for the night with stories of magical expeditions.

Peace Out” — This calming podcast teaches meditation and self-regulation through stories.


 “Noodle Loaf” — A clever interactive music podcast that features echo songs, musical challenges and a kids’ choir that anyone can join.

The Music Box” — Each episode is a lesson about a musical concept featuring interactive activities.

Classical Kids Storytime” — A sneaky way to introduce your kids to classical music, with the help of children’s stories like Hansel and Gretel.