• Flute Girl  clarinet player

    Welcome back everyone! 

    Mrs. Lester will be having a meeting in the band room sometime during the first week of school to hand out instrument and band contracts so that you can get your instrument ASAP. We will start lessons at the end of September. Please try to practice a little bit before your first lesson to get the "cobwebs" out and remember your fingerings.

    Our first concert this year will be in December!  Please remember to wear black bottoms and white tops. These clothes should be the nicest black and white you have. Don't forget your instrument and music!!

    I will be using Class Dojo this year to communicate any concerts and other band information. Please use this link to join your child's Dojo class and begin receiving message from me!  https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=school&schoolID=4eece819f64aa62934edec57

    We will be using Google Classroom again for assignments throughout the year.  Please check that you have received an invitation to join the band Google classroom.  If you do not have an invite, the code is 4tsy3qq. 


Last Modified on September 1, 2023