• Town Hall

    October 7, 2019
    Polls Open: 7AM-9PM
    Polling Place: Peekskill High School 


    Click here to read our six page informational mailer!

    PCSD Capital Improvement Projects: Propositions 1 and 2

    On October 7, 2019 Peekskill City School District residents will have the opportunity to vote on two Capital Project Propositions that have been designed to address District needs. 

    Proposition #1 proposes a series of upgrades at all District buildings, including a new STEAM Innovation Center at Peekskill High School, a STEAM Exploration Lab at Hillcrest Elementary, a new turf field stadium at Torpy Field, and additional improvements throughout our buildings. Under current State Aid formulas, the District expects to receive building aid for these proposed projects at an estimated rate of 83%. This aid, combined with the fact that the District is retiring debt, allows PCSD an opportunity to present the proposed $10.6 million Capital Project to our community at a time when the tax impact can be offset, resulting in NO ESTIMATED TAX INCREASE! 

    Capital Project Prop 1

    Click here for a presentation on Proposition #1 (detailed photos included).

    Click below for an informational video on Proposition #1.
    Press play

    Proposition #2 proposes the District's purchase of 400 South Division Street, which, if approved will become the new location for the District's Operation and Maintenance Department, Central Registration, Transportation Department and Parent Resource Center. The District will pay $350,000 for the building and $50,000 for minor renovations from unassigned fund balance, resulting in NO ESTIMATED TAX INCREASE! 

    Capital Project Prop 2
    Thank you to everyone who watched our Proposition #1 video - we received over 3,000 views! We understood that there were questions in the community about how Proposition #2 related to Proposition #1, therefore, we've created a second video to help answer some of these questions. Watch this video to learn more about the Peekskill City School District's Capital Project Referendum and how Proposition #2 ties into Proposition #1. 

    Press Play for Video Number 2


    Please see below to learn more about each proposition. 

    Q: What does Proposition #1 entail?
    A: The following is a summary of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the proposed project:

    Proposition #1: PHASE 1

    High School

    • Electrical distribution – replace panels & feeders in custodial closets
    • Reconstruct Torpy Field, track, bleachers
    • New concession building

    Middle School

    • Upgrade Pool Chemical Feed System


    • Backflow Preventer & Replace Valves at Water Service
    • Replace UV at 13 Classrooms with AC


    • Backflow Preventer & Replace Valves at Water Service 
    • Basement Ventilation & Moisture Control
    • Replace UV’s at 23 Classrooms with AC

    Uriah Hill

    • Ventilation for Lower Level Cafeteria

    Proposition #1: Phase 2

    High School

    • New valves and back-flow preventer for water service 
    • Replace stairway window walls and exterior doors 
    • Replace exterior steel doors and frames
    • Renovate the Technology and Art
    • Classrooms – STEAM Innovation Center
    • Replace Master Clock


    • Renovate the Technology Classrooms
    • STEAM Exploration Lab 
    • Replace UV’s at 13 Classrooms with AC

    Uriah Hill

    • Replace Gutters and Downspouts
    • Replace Portions of Roof

    Q: What are the associated costs of each phase of Proposition #1?
    A: Phase 1 = $5,850,000

        Phase 2 =  $4,750,000
    Total: $10,600,000

    Q: How does the purchase of 400 South Division Street (Proposition #2) relate to the construction of the PHS Steam Innovation Center?
    At this time a significant amount of space at the high school is being used for the Operations and Maintenance Department and storage. These items, tools and vehicles would need to be relocated to a new space to make room for the high school’s STEAM Innovation Center. By purchasing the property at 400 South Division Street, the District would be able to build equity as opposed to renting a facility to house these necessities. 

    To take advantage of the building’s central location in the City, the Peekskill City School District would use the remaining space at the 400 South Division Street building to host our Transportation and Registration offices, as well as a larger Parent Resource Center. This would create a convenient hub for our families, while freeing up space at Uriah Hill for long-range planning for additional Pre-K classrooms.

    Q: How will Proposition #1 appear on my ballot?
    A: Proposition #1 will be listed on your ballot as follows:


    SHALL the Bond Resolution of the City School District of the City of Peekskill, New York entitled: Bond Resolution of the City School District of the City of Peekskill, New York, adopted August 6, 2019, authorizing the construction of alterations and improvements to District buildings and/or the sites thereof; stating the estimated total cost thereof is $10,600,000; appropriating said amount therefor; and authorizing the issuance of $10,600,000 serial bonds of said District to finance said appropriation BE APPROVED?

    Q: How will Proposition #2 appear on my ballot?
    A: Proposition #2 will be listed on your ballot as follows:


    Shall the Board of Education be authorized to acquire by purchase certain property located at 400 South Division Street, Peekskill, New York and designated as Parcel 33.38-1-1, consisting of land and structures at a cost not to exceed $350,000 in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in a written agreement on file with the District Clerk and to expend $50,000 for the redevelopment and/or renovation of the said property, including all labor, materials, equipment, apparatus, and incidental costs thereof, with a total cost not to exceed $400,000 for the purchase and renovation of said property?

    Q: How do I obtain an Absentee Ballot?

    A: Absentee Ballot Application process - for registered voters only The process for the Absentee Ballot application is as follows:  The applications are available from the District Clerks office; or in each building. They may be picked up in person, or phone request (737-3300 ext. 1535) or by mail request. You can also visit our website to download an Absentee Ballot Form. Absentee Ballot Applications must be filled out and returned to the District Clerk by mail, or in person, by September 30, 2019.  After an Absentee Ballot Application is received by the District Clerk, an Absentee Ballot is mailed to your home, you are to return the Absentee Ballot, in person to the District Clerk at the Administration Building, 1031 Elm Street, by October 4, 2019 no later than 4 p.m. or by mail on October 7, 2019 no later than 5 p.m. Visit http://www.peekskillcsd.org for voter information regarding the bond vote and propositions.

    The opportunity is now! 
    October 7, 2019
    Polls Open: 7AM-9PM
    Polling Place: Peekskill High School 

    Peekskill Schools