- Oakside Elementary School
- Web Resources 😊
Mrs. Lynch's Class
Page Navigation
Khan Academy
Here you will find math videos and tutorials on various math skills that can be done before students practice math work independently.
ENL ~ Mrs. Sasaguay and Mrs. Biggins
ENL Students: Here you will find wonderful information such as activity pages, sight words and so much more! :-)
Reading ~ Mrs. Hirsch, Mrs. Irving and Mrs. Tierney
Mrs. Hirsch, Mrs. Irving and Mrs. Tierney would love for you to visit their class page for awesome additional reading resources. :-)
Symbaloo has wonderful web-sites you can use. You will find different tabs on it like Mindfulness, Social Studies, Science, Math, Language Arts and many more. Check it out! :-)
An excellent web-site for fractions practice./Un excelente red para practicar las fracciones.
Math Literacy/Literatura de Matemáticas
Excellent math books for your child! ¡Excelente libros de matemáticas para su hijo/a! -
AAA ~ Math/Matemáticas
Un fabuloso red de matemáticas para prácticar/A fabulous math web-site to practice math skills -
PBIS Reading Rockets/Para apoyar la literatura
Promotes literacy learning for Bilingual students/Apoya los niños Bilingue aprendar a leer -
AcademicInfo/Información de Academicas
AcademicInfo is an online education resource center with extensive subject guides and distance learning information./ Para ayudar con la academica de sus hijos. -
Dance Mat Typing/Para usar la tecla
A great web-site to practice typing skills/Un bueno red para practicar e uso de la tecla
Colorin Colorado/Bilingual site
An excellent bilingual web-site/Un excelente red blingue
Engage NY/Recurso del estado de NY
This link will take to you to the common core curriculum of New York state.Esta pagina lo llevara a las normas de Nueva York