Welcome to OUR Class Page and to a Magical School Year 2020-21
Mrs. Lynch's 2nd Grade Class (Family)
We Are Oakside Owls!
Opportunity Wise Loving Safe scholars
Always remember that you make a huge DIFFERENCE in our world and you are loved!
Welcome my amazing students! I am looking forward to a magical school year with you. We are going to learn so much!
Please remember to go on Google Classroom, code vxahia3 or PRESS HERE for up to date information.
To contact me, please email me at mlynch@peekskillschools.org or send me a message through Remind. Keep shining! 
It is the 3rd trimester and our Specials are:
*Physical Education with Coach Silva on Tuesday's and Friday's.
*Music with Ms. Neyer on Monday's, Wednesday's and Thursday's.
I want to remind you that you are all MAGICAL! 
Do not forget to kiss your beautiful brains and big heart kisses and love hugs for yourself.😊
Todo los mensajes en nuestra página de clase es traducido en español
Favor de ir a la esquina a la derecha que dice TRANSLATE, gracias
Contact: Mrs.Lynch
School Office: 914-737-1591
Please feel free to contact me with any questions and/or concerns.