


    Mr. M's (McClellan) Class Page     

     Hello parents and guardians!!! I am so excited that your child is a Green Frog!!! You and your child can hop on my class page where I will keep you updated on happenings within our own classroom and school. Parents or guardians, if you have any questions or concerns, you may click here to email me. This year is going to be amazing! I know that by working together we can make sure to educate and excite your child all school year long!!!  


     There have been two videos created (one in English and the other one in Spanish) in order to help you navigate my teacher's website. My teacher's website can be accessed on any kind of device that can access the internet. The links to both websites are listed below.
    The following videos show how to navigate the website on different devices:
    *Within each video, it also shows how to translate the page. Please make sure to select the page you want to translate FIRST before you click the translate button.*
    Mr. McClellan